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Award Winning Releases from Groove Kid Nation
Educational Kids Songs and Hip Children's Music

Funky Kid's Songs

Groovy Kids Songs
Visit the Groove Kid Nation Store and check out our educational CDs of Kid's Songs and Children's Music

Visit our YouTube Channel and watch
Itsy Bitsy Spider Plays Piano with Fly Band

Humpty Dumpty Plays Bass and Falls off the Wall

and other videos about musical instruments
Enter your info below to download mp3s of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "The Funky Chicken", "I Can", Coloring Books and other free goodies.

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Money Magic for Musicians: Complete Financial Guide for the working musician. Informs musicians about the financial tools they need to have a life-long AND prosperous career in the arts.

Music Theory and Composition -- Multimedia music education articles with detailed information about music theory and composition by instrumental composer Don Rath Jr. For those interested in learning about how to make music.

Ayre Acoustics - Scott Walker Audio Synergistic Research Acoustic Systems, synergistic research cables, YG Acoustics and more at Scott Walker Audio.

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